Is SEC's Power Grab More Important Than the Fourth Amendment?
The SEC is holding up ECPA reform in an attempt to parlay more agency power, demanding a carve-out in any updated ECPA bill that would give the agency power to access your data without a warrant.
The Creeping Tentacles of Unrestrained Regulation
We need restraint in the face of ill-defined, or ill-fitting, regulations that were clearly drafted and enacted in another age, for technology found today only in museums.
Playing Politics With Internet Taxes
Congress should move to protect taxpayers and Internet users once and for all by making the moratorium permanent.
Breaches and Breakdowns
Cyberattacks are a big and growing problem; fortunately, there are legislative ways to address the problem that will increase cooperation without stifling innovation.
FCC Fails to Suspend the Laws of Economics
The early data is in: The FCC's onerous new regulation has resulted in a precipitous drop in broadband investment.
The Clouded Judgment of Tax Authorities
Revenue agencies will often seek to extend taxes well beyond what was contemplated when legislation was enacted, in the name of securing ever more money for government, even to the detriment of innovation.
U.S. IT Competitiveness Prediction: Cloud-y With Government Interference
Congressional inaction, municipal tax action, and administration bad action make progress difficult for the U.S. cloud computing industry.
Congress Must Update ECPA to Protect Fundamental Rights
James Madison, and George Mason before him, were clear in the language in the Fourth Amendment, that the people and anything they own must be protected from unreasonable and warrantless government searches and seizures. So why aren't we?
The Tangled Web Woven
The new normal for the technology industry interacting with Washington, DC seems to be to argue for niche pieces of the broad ecosystem which has left the industry open to being easily attacked, even by wholly false stories, by those who oppose a free market.
More Spectrum Needed to Avoid Wireless Traffic Jams
If the FCC would reallocate more of its time and resources to releasing spectrum and less of it to micromanaging the broadband industry, that would be a win-win for the U.S. economy.