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May 1, 2014

Rescue Consumers from Internet Tax Now

The number of working days remaining in the current congressional session, is quickly dwindling. On the must-do list should be protecting the Internet from multiple or discriminatory taxes, a process Congress began in 1998.

April 17, 2014

It Is Time to Welcome All the Best and Brightest

It’s counterproductive for the U.S. to restrict the number of talented, high-skilled workers who want to make their contributions in the United States.

March 27, 2014

When Government Slows Our Access to Health

The challenges for health IT are known and the Senate can join with the House to fix the problems which allow the FDA and FCC to end the mission creep and focus on the truly critical.

March 20, 2014

Troll Casino: Jackpots Won Routinely

The economic incentives of the patent litigation system make it attractive to threaten to sue, even for the most dubious of claims—a situation not much different than that which has driven many to demand broader tort reform.

February 27, 2014

World Class No More?

In a connected, competitive world, innovation can happen almost anywhere. The only question is will our immigration policy keep it from happening here?

February 20, 2014

Life in the Fast Lane

The federal government sells fast lane access and higher qualities of service. It shouldn’t forbid broadband companies from doing the same thing.

February 13, 2014

Cable Merger Will Benefit Consumers and (Unfortunately) Regulators

The Comcast\Time Warner Cable merger won’t harm consumers, but it will provide regulators with an opportunity to make policy under duress rather than through the normal rulemaking or legislative processes. 

February 6, 2014

Why the FCC Should Not Get Sidetracked over Network Neutrality

With the FTC and the Justice Department in place and well-funded, it is needlessly duplicative for the FCC to engage in network neutrality rules and enforcement.

January 30, 2014

The Siren Song of Efficiency in Music Licensing, Part 2

There’s no need to erode copyright protections to facilitate innovation in the music marketplace. The market is providing a variety of music choices for consumers and business model choices for artists.

January 23, 2014

The Silver Lining in the Net Neutrality Decision

FCC Chairman Wheeler says the FCC will take action only “if something appears to go wrong in a material, not a trivial, way. . . .“ That would be a good policy for all regulators, not just for the FCC.

Total Records: 548