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February 6, 2014

Why the FCC Should Not Get Sidetracked over Network Neutrality

With the FTC and the Justice Department in place and well-funded, it is needlessly duplicative for the FCC to engage in network neutrality rules and enforcement.

January 30, 2014

The Siren Song of Efficiency in Music Licensing, Part 2

There’s no need to erode copyright protections to facilitate innovation in the music marketplace. The market is providing a variety of music choices for consumers and business model choices for artists.

January 23, 2014

The Silver Lining in the Net Neutrality Decision

FCC Chairman Wheeler says the FCC will take action only “if something appears to go wrong in a material, not a trivial, way. . . .“ That would be a good policy for all regulators, not just for the FCC.

January 16, 2014

The Siren Song of Efficiency in Music Licensing

Could adding a new fair use exception lead to a better music industry?

January 10, 2014

Toll-Free Data Is a Good Thing

Toll-free data will be as good for consumers as was toll-free voice.

December 19, 2013

Shaking the Foundation

We live in a time of unparalleled advances in technology, but technology is merely a tool that can be used for good or evil, to empower the state or empower the people. We must decide as a society what we want—expanded individual opportunity or expansive government control.

December 12, 2013

What's Wrong With the Wi-Fi?

Spectrum policy should be about facilitating innovation, not simply about maximizing revenue, which means providing for sufficient unlicensed as well as licensed spectrum.

December 5, 2013

Acting for Innovation

Some have argued that fixes to the system should be put off while the system absorbs the changes already made in the America Invents Act, but when problems are spotted they should be addressed. The Innovation Act does just that.

November 14, 2013

Is Tom Wheeler In for a Rude Awakening at the FCC?

Incoming Chairman Tom Wheeler should "nimbly" get the FCC going on the IP transition.

November 7, 2013

The Last Acceptable Discrimination? (Part 2)

Those who propose policies that are understood to discriminate against the Internet or technology in general take a huge risk and yet the proposals keep on coming.

Total Records: 551