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October 31, 2013

Continued Innovation Requires Government Cooperation

One clear theme from IPI’s Fifth Annual Communications Policy Summit is that we don’t need government to direct, fund or control innovation—we just need government to listen, learn, and cooperate where necessary.

October 24, 2013

The Last Acceptable Discrimination?

When did it become acceptable to propose and enact laws that discriminate against technology and its users?

October 17, 2013

Transforming Everything--Even How We Watch Football Games

The communications revolution is changing everything—including how guys watch football games. Even monitoring their blood pressure if their team lets them down.

October 10, 2013

IP: The New Kitchen Table Issue?

Voters understand the age in which we live and are keenly aware of the value of IP to their household economy. Perhaps IP is well on its way to being a voting issue.

October 3, 2013

Fracking Isn't the Threat to Green Energy Innovation

The greatest threat to green energy innovation is not new energy resources, but rather disregard (such as India’s) of the rights of innovators through the international IP system.

September 26, 2013

Let's Finally Slay the "Trolls"

What needs to be done to finally slay the “troll” is to identify those who are truly bad actors and not impugn legitimate business models, allowing everyone to focus more clearly on the underlying problem.

September 19, 2013

NSA Mass Surveillance Harming the Free Flow of Data

Congress must rein in the NSA’s mass surveillance program not only to protect the privacy and freedom of American citizens, but to maintain America’s moral and economic leadership in the global digital economy.

September 12, 2013

Losing Our Liberties Through the Backdoor

The NSA has done virtually everything that Congress thought it stopped. In the course of doing so, the NSA has weakened security for all of us.

September 6, 2013

Throwing Away the World's Biggest Economic Opportunity

So long as India blatantly disregards  the intellectual property of its trading partners as part of its economic strategy, India will continue to throw away the world’s biggest economic opportunity.

August 29, 2013

In the Name of Safety They Rob Us of Our Liberties

Safety and security are important, but our constitutionally protected liberties and freedoms are even more important. The government should be able to protect both, but all indications are that it isn't.

Total Records: 551