Gale Force Opposition to Progress
Insisting that Fire Island’s storm-damaged copper network be replaced with the same old outdated technology is a step backward rather than forward.
If You Can't Beat Them, Sue Them,
So what happens when a whole country surrenders to the difficulty of commercializing patents and instead retreats to patent assertion as a means to shake down innovators? Look no further than France.
A Permanent Ban on Discriminatory Internet Taxes
Secondary Markets: The Ticket to Economic Success
The societal benefits of the secondary ticket market depend on the right of ticket purchasers to transfer their tickets as they choose.
Copyright, Control and Censorship
The copyright review process can be a helpful occasion to update copyright law, but it should not give credence to baseless criticisms manufactured for ideological purposes.
IP and the Bieb
Understanding that many are truly ignorant of the bounds of copyright, content providers (and also copyright critics) can now move from punishment fixation and together seek increasingly better ways to educate the public, and focus on the increasingly important role that copyright plays in our economy.
Patent Pool Pollution
Patent pools by design were intended to save innovators time and money by establishing cross-licensing agreements for specific technologies, but patent pools can be abused.
Getting Knowledge Policy Right
In a knowledge economy, you have to get knowledge policy right. Too much is at stake.
Time to Stop the Wireless Tax Grab
The Wireless Tax Fairness Act, newly reintroduced this week, would put a five-year moratorium on any new state and local discriminatory wireless taxes.
On Data Privacy, We've Been Here Before
If our elected officials, who are supposed to be guardians of our freedom first of all, grant expanded police powers to the federal government in violation of their oath to preserve and protect the Fourth Amendment, the Feds will use them.