It's an App, App, App, App World
Regulators still have a role to play today, but it is not the role of the last 50 years.
Heavy-Handed Regulatory Solutions In Search of a Broadband Problem
With the U.S.’s obvious and compelling broadband success story, why do regulation advocates compulsively call for much heavier government regulation and control over the broadband industry?
Should Conservatives Vote to Give Tax Collectors MORE Power?
The Marketplace Fairness Act grants huge new taxing powers to state government, so why would any conservative support it?
Private Sector Experience Is a Plus, Not a Minus
Private sector experience should be considered a plus, indeed requisite, rather than treated as a contamination when it comes to appointed government offices.
Roy Blunt's Lead In Throwing Out The U.S. Constitution?
The so-called Market Place Fairness Act is being rammed through the U.S. Senate, intentionally bypassing the regular order, proceeding to a full Senate debate without any committee hearing or mark-up, so that a variety of important constitutional questions and concerns can be ignored.
How to Take a Step Forward in Health Tech? Focus
If the FCC is going to be involved in mhealth, and broader health tech, expansion, then the agency must get out of its own way.
International Efforts to Take Over the Internet, with Support from the U.S.
The threat of foreign governments taking over the Internet is real, and the U.S. government is helping those efforts.
Keep Austin Wired!
Investment in tomorrow’s broadband infrastructure does not require federal stimulus, but rather requires elected officials and regulators to ensure the appropriate conditions for investment.
The Financial Facts of Broadband
An understanding of basic finance and math seem to be beyond the grasp of some broadband industry critics.
Government Wrecking the Health IT Market
Congress and the White House pursued getting more people health insurance when they should have been removing barriers to better health.