Don't Fall for Fool's Gold
The lodestone should be indicating danger—expansive taxation authority because of radically expansive government undermining our Union.
Government's Push for Electronic Health Records Hinders Adoption
The administration’s effort to push electronic health records may have postponed their adoption for years.
The Call for Government to Make Cable a Captive Audience
The history of the cable industry is one of innovation, risk taking and investment. The proper reward for all the risk is best left to the marketplace.
Broadband Pole Position
A Tennessee legislative proposal would allow pole attachment rates to rise radically—effectively creating a broadband tax—to 371 percent of the national average. Justification for such a stunning increase is scant, since the electric company’s costs do not increase because of the pole attachments.
When Seeing a Doctor Means Turning on Your Computer or Mobile Device
Doctors are increasingly seeing patients via computers or mobile devices, which may actually achieve some of the goals of health care reform.
Newspaper Taxis Appear On the Shore, Waiting To Take You Away To National Wi-Fi
Government has plenty to do without getting into providing Wi-Fi especially when the decision maker’s heads are in the clouds, and the taxpayer money is gone.
The Simple Joy of McDonald's Wi-Fi
Though a Wall Street Journal story implies Internet-deprived students are resorting to McDonald’s for access, affordable broadband is available even at Dollar Menu prices.
And the Games Begin
Blaming video games for the acts of evil people is just a way for policy makers to appear to be doing something. Ironically, it’s games played in DC, not in people’s homes, that are most harmful.
Innovation, Not Legislation, Is Reforming the Health Care System
The stuff of science fiction is now becoming medical reality as innovation, rather than legislation, improves the health care system.
From Throwing Pies to Eating Crow
Mark Lynas, leader of the movement against genetically modified crops, has embraced the technology and apologized for his misguided efforts.