World Wi-Fi Day and the Value of Unlicensed Spectrum
You can be forgiven for not knowing that today is World Wi-Fi Day, but you’re certainly aware of the importance of wi-fi to our modern economy and lifestyles. That’s why it’s concerning that Congress has allowed the FCC’s authority to auction and allocate spectrum to lapse. Congress should prioritize restoring the FCC’s authority with the recognition that unlicensed spectrum is also of immense economic value to the economy.
Surrendering Privacy to Protect Children Online
A variety of legislative proposals across the country attempt to limit “children’s” or minors’ ability to be online, but the implications reach right to our basic liberties.
This Section 230 Stuff Is not as Complicated as You Might Think
Critics of Big Tech are misrepresenting Section 230 and purposely convoluting its meaning. It’s really not all that complicated.
"Crushed" by Conservatives Abandoning their Principles
While Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) says “Big Tech” is “crushing” free speech, we are crushed to see Rep. Buck and fawning organizations abandoning their free market, limited government principles.
Broadband Adoption, One Key to Growing a Local Economy
Broadband access enables access to information, education, healthcare and community, but many American households simply do not take advantage of access to broadband. Efforts to increase broadband adoption through digital literacy education are an investment that can pay off in economic growth for local communities.
Innovation Is Working on the Railroad
Government regulators prize protecting their political constituencies above realizing all the benefits and gains to consumers that result from encouraging and implementing technology and innovation.
Texas Legislators "Come and Take" Free Speech
Like the Texians before them, today’s Texans overwhelmingly believe in free markets, private property, individual liberty and lesser government. HB 20 violates not only these principles but also the free speech protections of both the U.S. and Texas Constitutions.
Permissionless Innovation vs. the Precautionary Principle
For the sake of our economy, for the promise of a better quality of life, and greater discovery, we should allow permissionless innovation unless harm can be demonstrated. And even then, such regulation should be minimal and flexible.
Populism Is the Wrong Approach to Tech Policy
The United States has figured out the innovation equation, while the rest of the world has not: The heavy hand of government does not lead to greater innovation. That’s why tech populism, calling for more aggressive regulation and antitrust activism, is very troubling.
Heritage's Big Tech Temper Tantrum
Seeing the Heritage Foundation institutionalize grievance politics and populist anger and demonize an entire industry is a mistake with potentially enormous consequences.