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September 2, 2010

Do Mobile Phones Kill People?

According to the Washington Post yesterday, China now is forcing registration of personal information with the government just to purchase a mobile phone.
August 26, 2010

The Merger Policy

Last week, time expired for weighing in with the FCC on the proposed Comcast deal with GE for NBC Universal.
August 19, 2010

How Washington Punishes Success

Examining the actions of the federal government, one might conclude that it sees mobile communications as a societal evil.
August 12, 2010

International Business Mangling

A couple weeks ago the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, announced the commencement of a formal investigation into IBM’s mainframe server sales, indicating that it would look into allegations that the company was linking sales of its servers to its software and services.
August 5, 2010

So Much for that Innovation Agenda

Recognizing that, in the information economy, the hopes of US workers and enterprises hinges on our ability to innovate, at the beginning of the 110th Congress Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi put forth what she called the House Democrat's "Innovation Agenda.
July 29, 2010

A River Runs Through It

Currently, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) three liberal-leaning commissioners are poised to force through new federal regulatory control over the Internet through so-called “network neutrality” regulations, and it appears they may succeed.
July 22, 2010

Keeping a Lid on False Marking

Get rich quick schemes and casino lawsuits are nothing new, but a recent court decision has opened the door for jackpot-chasing lawyers in an obscure patent area called “false marking.
July 15, 2010

Ask Not What the FCC Can Do For Broadband, Ask What Broadband Has Already Been Doing for the Country

The FCC asked for comments by today to address how it can best advance universal service, privacy, access to communications for disabled individuals and security on the Internet.
July 8, 2010

The Pathway to Safety

There is at least one bright spot in the recently passed health care reform legislation.
June 25, 2010

A Strategic Plan for IP Enforcement

This week Victoria Espinel, the U.

Total Records: 551