Publication Type
April 8, 2010
The Court of Public Opinion
As we reported last February, a group of so-called consumer advocates and labor interests was urging Comcast to drop the litigation it brought challenging the FCC's use and enforcement of agency-made "guidelines.
April 1, 2010
Can You (Hear) Tax Me Now?
Every type of organization—families, businesses, nonprofits—scales back its spending and seeks greater efficiencies when revenues are down.
March 25, 2010
The Real Thing
Having just watched highly controversial legislation become law along painfully partisan lines and cause political fractures that may last for years, it’s nostalgic to be reminded of the good old days when Congress acted less along partisan lines and more in the interests of the majority of the American people—like way, way back in 2008 when the House of Representatives passed the PRO-IP Act by a vote of 410 to 11, and the Senate passed it unanimously.
March 19, 2010
Closing in on the Counterfeiters
In many developing countries, including most African countries, as much as 60 percent of prescription drugs sold are actually counterfeit, containing little if any of the active molecule, and in some cases containing toxins and other harmful substances.
March 11, 2010
Can Market-Friendly Ideas Address Gaps in Broadband Deployment?
By any objective measure, the rollout of broadband services to the country is going phenomenally well, and is largely being done with private capital and without involving taxpayer dollars.
March 4, 2010
Free Radicals Attack Cells
Is there a more dynamic industry than wireless communications?
In a relatively short time a cell phone has become a necessity to virtually everyone, and one of the areas of most rapid technological innovation is in wireless handsets.
February 25, 2010
What’s in a Title?
One of the challenges of putting out nearly daily content is to find a title for all of the various pieces.
February 18, 2010
Counting on Technology?
When will the Census Bureau enter the 21st Century—or even the 20th?
It’s time to take the constitutionally mandated census once again.
February 12, 2010
The Beauty of Competence in Math and Science
Once children begin school the family schedule changes in many ways.
February 11, 2010
Can Market-Friendly Ideas Address Gaps in Broadband Deployment?
By any objective measure, the rollout of broadband services to the country is going phenomenally well, and is largely being done with private capital and without involving taxpayer dollars.