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January 14, 2010

Regulating Everything from Bits to Business Plans

[The following is an excerpt from IPI’s comments filed today with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to regulate the practices of Internet service providers (ISPs)] The intent of Congress to increase competition and innovation in communications through the Telecom Act of 1996 is finally being realized.
January 7, 2010

Content and Discontent

When you watch a dog chasing its tail around and around in circles, the obvious question posed to the dog is “what are you going to do with it if you ever catch it?” Well, politically liberal activist groups have been chasing their own tails for years, criticizing content and media companies for, well, just about everything they do, and of course all in the name of “protecting consumers.
December 17, 2009

Evergreen or Lump of Coal?

While global leaders burn tons of carbon jetting off to meetings about how we can reduce our carbon output, back at home real work is getting done to protect the environment.
December 10, 2009

Media Control

For years one activist organization after another has expressed concern about the “control” of the media.
December 3, 2009

Keeping the Populace Alarmed

The American Cancer Society, World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection all agree: A survey of the recent scientific literature shows there is no clear evidence of any link between mobile devices and health problems.
November 26, 2009

On the Menu for Thanksgiving

Even while you are preparing to once again feast on turkey and mashed potatoes, the European Union (EU) is preparing to once again feast on U.
November 19, 2009

Good News for Green Tech

The good news this week is that it appears that no binding treaty is going to come out of next month's Copenhagen conference on climate change.
November 9, 2009

Be Our Guest!

In response to the FCC chairman’s comments and news reports that the agency is prepared to pursue comprehensive Internet regulation, a rising crescendo of voices has been heard expressing deep reservations.
October 29, 2009

Another Taxpayer Bailout in Longmont?

Longmont, Colorado, will have a question on its November ballot asking whether city residents should be taxed to pay for and subsidize "telecommunications services, advanced services and cable television services.
October 20, 2009

Want to Share Your Thoughts With the FCC?

While lately a number of people may have been left out of the policy making process, the FCC has opened up an opportunity for you to comment on its plans to bring good old fashioned heavy handed regulation of the Internet through “network neutrality” rules.

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