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October 14, 2009

Fostering a Solution Economy

The Obama Administration has earned kudos for their vision of using of technology to be a primary part of the solution to policy challenges from improved healthcare to efficient energy usage.
October 8, 2009

The Right Prescription for Patients

Somewhere lost in all of the heated rhetoric about whether or not to move the country to a government health insurance plan are the patients—those who are and who will be ailing but who could be helped by advances in technology if that technology were deployed and not hindered.
October 1, 2009

Smart Phones, Stupid Policy

It would be hard to imagine an industry today that is more “dynamic” than the wireless industry.
September 24, 2009

Reading Is Fundamental

Late last week the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission shared his view that it was critical for the Federal Government to start regulating the Internet.
September 17, 2009

The Economy of Creative Exports

I’ve just returned from an overseas trip, and once again I was reminded of how pervasive American entertainment media is around the world.
September 10, 2009

Your Entirely Unnecessary 36% Tax Increase

In just a few weeks a tax you pay will increase – by 36%.
September 3, 2009

I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me

After uncovering yet another troubling aspect of the current health care proposal, IPI recently wrote, “Because HR 3200 (the House of Representatives health care reform legislation) contains the most egregious violations of Americans’ privacy imaginable.
August 28, 2009

Digital Discrimination

As most states have watched their coffers dwindle over the last couple years, state revenue authorities have become increasingly creative in finding ways to drain more money from the citizens via fees and taxes.
August 20, 2009

The End of Privacy

Privacy advocates who enjoy focusing on issues like browser cookies, behavioral advertising, database privacy and deep packet inspection can just throw in the towel if anything approaching HR 3200, the current draft of the health care bill in the House of Representatives, becomes law.
August 13, 2009

Driven to Distraction

Last week U.

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