Publication Type
August 28, 2009
Digital Discrimination
As most states have watched their coffers dwindle over the last couple years, state revenue authorities have become increasingly creative in finding ways to drain more money from the citizens via fees and taxes.
August 20, 2009
The End of Privacy
Privacy advocates who enjoy focusing on issues like browser cookies, behavioral advertising, database privacy and deep packet inspection can just throw in the towel if anything approaching HR 3200, the current draft of the health care bill in the House of Representatives, becomes law.
August 6, 2009
Is Internet Access a Human Right?
Back in April, the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, supported a law which was passed by parliament creating a policing group which would track those who were illegally downloading copyrighted material—in other words, those who were committing piracy, and empowered that group to eventually cut off the criminal’s access to the Internet if they continued their illegal ways.
July 30, 2009
Don’t Go Wobbly on Innovation
A common theme in science fiction literature and movies is technology run wild.
July 23, 2009
Bad Boys, Bad Boys. What’s Congress Gonna Do?
Back in 2006, a United States Court of Appeals issued a permanent injunction against EchoStar Communications for illegally retransmitting local broadcast network signals—allowing virtually anyone who asked to receive local signals through their DISH Network subscription.
July 16, 2009
Who Will Control the Controller?
Should the federal government have the power to monitor and control Internet traffic to make sure that our critical cyber-infrastructure is not harmed?
New legislation seems to think so.
July 2, 2009
No Tax on Talk
In the midst of rising taxes across the country, including new taxes that are driving companies out of some states a few politicians are trying to end the century-old practice of loading up communications with a heavy, discriminatory and disproportionate tax burden.
June 25, 2009
Let Markets Succeed in Green Tech Innovation
The drive for new, more efficient, renewable “green tech” is real this time.