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June 11, 2009

In Louisiana, Exploiting Children to Fight the Exploitation of Children

When a politician argues that something is necessary to protect the children, you can almost always guarantee it’s time to hold onto your freedoms, your wallet or both.
June 4, 2009

Private Networks, Public Activists

The Internet is a vast collection of mostly privately owned networks that have agreed to exchange traffic for the mutual benefit of their users.
May 28, 2009

It’s Too Late to Turn Back Now

As state legislative sessions begin to close, states continue to modernize their regulation of the communications industry.
May 21, 2009

Dismantling Innovation 101

Why are domestic policies, both here and abroad, threatening to tear apart the most globally competitive companies? Rather, we should be doing all we can to encourage their success, especially now.
May 14, 2009

Putting an End to Jackpot Valuations

Patent reform has been stalled on Capitol Hill for years.
May 7, 2009

Performance Rights Wronged

On your local oldies radio station, when you hear Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons’ hit song “December 1963 (Oh, What a Night),” neither Frankie Valli nor The Four Seasons receive any income from the broadcast of their performance.
May 1, 2009

Stop Taxing Innovation

In 1990, Congress substantially increased the fees associated with obtaining and maintaining patents and trademarks.
April 23, 2009

What is the Role of Intellectual Property in the Global Recovery?

Intellectual property, the driver and economic cornerstone of the U.
April 16, 2009

Rewarding Human Capital as Economic Stimulus

We’re firm believers that the 25-year economic expansion that started in 1982 and lasted through 2007 was due in large part to adoption of policies that rewarded investment capital, by encouraging its formation, incentivizing its deployment, and resisting the devaluation of inflation.
April 9, 2009

They Like to Move It, Move It

As was evidenced last week at CTIA Wireless 2009, the world is on the move—not just communications, but also with computing power.

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