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July 24, 2008

Performance Rights and Wrongs

One current intellectual property debate is whether or not radio broadcasters should be required to license the music they play over the air.
July 17, 2008

IPR in the “Top 20” at the G8

Since the annual meeting of the G8 is one of the most significant policy events of the year, it was a positive sign that “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” was prominent on the list of global economic issues discussed by G8 leaders in Japan.
July 10, 2008


A new proposal, currently called the “Organized Retail Crime Act of 2008,” is floating around the US Senate these days—a proposal to fight organized crime that involves “the theft and interstate fencing of large volumes of stolen retail merchandise.
June 26, 2008

Don’t Kill the Green Goose

The need to achieve technological breakthroughs to provide cleaner, more efficient sources of energy may indeed be the race-to-the-moon for this generation of American inventors, scientists and entrepreneurs.
June 12, 2008

Dr. No

Add Prof.
June 5, 2008

Riding Off into the Regulatory Sunset—Forbearance at the FCC

In the 1970s, the Federal Communications Commission began a struggle to reconcile old communications laws governing telephones, broadcasting, and cable television with the new technological and business realities.
May 15, 2008

A Setback for the IP Skeptics

The IP-skeptic activist groups took it on the chin last week, as their plans for socializing the intellectual property (IP) system hit a setback.

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