Imagine the Covid-19 Pandemic Without Broadband
While the pandemic has imposed significant costs and losses on the economy, our broadband infrastructure has made it possible to work, shop, learn and be entertained while also maintaining social distancing, and is likely the single biggest factor in reducing the harm to the economy.
Fairness Regulations Chill Free Speech
Under fairness or neutrality regulations for the internet, the most likely result is a chilling effect on internet free speech, under which platforms cannot run the liability risk of allowing political speech on their platforms.
The First Manned Spaceflight by a Private Company
American taxpayers are getting a safer, more advanced and much less expensive manned space program. And the key is the private sector.
Video Games Thriving During Covid-19, Threatened by Regulation
Even before the global pandemic, video game industry growth was on a tear. It innovates useful technology and creates high-paying jobs. We should be vigilant against uninformed efforts to unnecessarily regulate or restrict its growth and innovation.
The Digital Divide Is Closing (and Free Markets and Capitalism Did It)
It turns out that free-markets work to promote innovation, new products and services, and more competition.
There are More G's On the Way
Plans for “10G” are now underway as the demand for broadband and the need for uninterrupted connectivity continues to grow rapidly.
Did You Miss Data Privacy Day?
We get an awful lot of value in services and products in exchange for sharing some of our very basic data.
Chairman Pai's Proposed Auction Is Law and Good Policy
Perhaps the day will come when a new process could supplant the FCC-led public auction process for re-purposing spectrum. But this aspiration for long-term spectrum policy is not the world we have today.
On Net Neutrality, the Courts Catch Up with Markets
For now, the court decision puts an end to a short and misguided period in the history of internet policy.
C-Band Auction Should be Left to the FCC
An FCC-led public, open and transparent auction process that creates a level playing field for all interested parties will allocate resources efficiently to the parties that value them the most.