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March 29, 2007

Regulators to the Rescue (Yes, It Can Happen!)

The Federal Communications Commission has recognized a new era of cable TV with its adoption of new franchising rules, and so will consumers as those rules are implemented.
March 22, 2007

New Distribution is Cool, but Content is Still King

The blogs are awash in outrage over the Copyright Royalty Board's (CRB) decision about the royalty rates that Internet radio broadcasters must pay for the use of songs protected by copyright.
March 15, 2007

Inflated Comments

The wave of state video franchise reform legislation, beginning in Texas and improved in Indiana, continues this year in many states, and the benefits are already apparent.
March 8, 2007

Why Is Polio Spreading in Pakistan?

The World Health Organization has released new figures that show that polio cases are rising in Pakistan.
March 1, 2007

Don’t Delay Spectrum Allocation to Public Safety

Over the years there have been many attempts to ensure communications interoperability for state and local emergency first responders such as police, fire, and ambulance services.
February 22, 2007

The Public Domain Has Nothing to Fear from IP

It is commonly asserted by the CopyLeft crowd that intellectual property protections have recently been expanded to such a degree that the public domain is under threat.
February 15, 2007

Who Should Determine What's on TV?

A few weeks ago, Free Press, a politically-liberal "media reform" group, held its National Conference for Media Reform.
February 8, 2007

Show-Me the Free Market

While many states are getting it right, Missouri is getting it wrong -- instead of moving to deregulate old technologies that have no need for the competition-squelching, price-hiking supervision, the state’s public service commission is moving to regulate new technologies harming advances in technology, service to customers, and state competition in the process.
February 1, 2007

Fake Drugs and False Pride: Congress and Prescription Drug Importation

Many members of Congress are once again embracing the notion that the U.
January 25, 2007

Who Needs Medical Technology in Ontario?

Well, it appears that medical students and patients do.

Total Records: 550