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April 27, 2006

Follow the High-Tech Equipment

According to a new annual study from the American Electronics Association (AeA), exports of high-tech goods were up 4 percent in 2005 over the previous year.
April 20, 2006

Georgia on Their Mind

The hits just keep on coming! In the waning days of its regular session the Georgia Legislature passed SB 120, the “Competitive Emerging Communications Technologies Act of 2006.
April 13, 2006

A New Kind of SWAT Team

A genetically modified mosquito is a good mosquito.
April 6, 2006

From James Madison to the FCC

We think we hear James Madison approving from above! The author and promoter of the Bill of Rights must be looking down with pleasure at the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) decision upholding the First Amendment and free speech in its unanimous ruling that political communication on the Internet—including Web logs, setting up Web sites and e-mail—is not regulated by campaign finance laws.
March 30, 2006

It’s eBay or the Highway

The people behind this new legislation say it’s intended to curb the sale of stolen property.
March 23, 2006

Embracing Franchise Reform

There are three things in life that are inevitable: death, taxes and the advancement of technology.
March 15, 2006

Will the Senate Remember What Price Controls Did to Medicare?

How does that old saying from philosopher George Santayana go? “Those who cannot remember the history of price controls are condemned to repeat them?” Or something like that.
March 2, 2006

When an Internet “Tax” Is Not a Tax

AOL is being blasted for announcing a new plan which involves charging marketers to ensure their emails reach their intended recipients.
February 23, 2006

Patent Life: When Less Is More

February 16, 2006

A Decade Can Teach Us Something

Ten years ago last week, Bill Clinton signed what was sold to the public as a landmark telecommunications law.

Total Records: 550