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October 28, 2004

The Consumer Project to Stop Technology

Always be skeptical of any organization that calls itself a “consumer group.
October 21, 2004

Who’s Afraid of RFID?

Afraid that your new electronics equipment from Best Buy is spying on you? It’s that tiny chip on the merchandise, hardly big enough see, that transmits radio signals that is causing all the anxiety.
October 7, 2004

Should Government Displace Innovators

In a nearly unprecedented act of foolishness, the Philadelphia city government is planning to wire the entire city for wi-fi Internet connections.
September 30, 2004

The Age of Innovation — Even in Compensation

Tech companies have been able to hire and keep the best employees because they typically have compensated them generously.
September 23, 2004

Giving R&D Credit Where Credit is Due

Research and development is the foundation of technological advance, the engine that helps deliver miracle drugs, timesaving devices and the cutting-edge technology that generates new jobs and economic progress.
September 9, 2004

Taxing the Internet: A Candy Shop for State Legislators

As Congress returns from its August flight from the political swamp on the Potomac, one of the issues it needs to resolve is Internet taxation.
September 2, 2004

Want to See the Difference a Little Freedom Can Make?

As unrecognizable as VoIP might be as a term today, it will be on everyone’s lips, and in everyone’s homes, tomorrow – if regulators are forced to keep their acquisitive hands off of it.
August 26, 2004

Death by Tangelo

About 125 years ago, Gregor Mendel created artificial plant hybrids.
August 19, 2004

Recognizing the Real Threat to Privacy

The mere mention of radio frequency identification (RFID) makes some people nervous.
August 12, 2004

Unleashing the Power of Broadband:

Broadband is the high-octane fuel of the new economy.

Total Records: 550