Will Telehealth Be Improved or Restricted?
Consumers and doctors should have the choice to find the right means of care that works best in each situation. Technology continues to make such tailored care a reality if not blocked by government.
Do Copyright Office Concerns Matter to the FCC?
What happens when one expert agency calls out another expert agency? We're about to find out, as the Copyright Office has described major problems with the FCC's set-top box proposal.
Who Will Protect Us from Our Government Protectors?
We must stand up to government agencies that think they are somehow entitled to exemptions from Fourth Amendment protections.
The Constitution Catches Up With Chairman Wheeler
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler tried to defy one of the simplest, most basic constitutional limits on federal power—and he lost.
Internet Sales Taxes and the Republican Platform
The Republican Party's platform has taken a strong stand against state efforts to tax internet sales across state lines, an important step given the lack of policy clarity coming from the party's presidential candidate.
San Francisco's "Tech Tax" Is a Revenue Grab, Not a Solution to Homelessness
Those who govern the City of High Taxes by the Bay have decided that even higher taxes, targeted at their most productive residents, will solve the problem of homelessness.
Watching TV Through Apps
Why, in this Golden Age of programming, should we allow the FCC to force dramatic change upon the business models of programmers and homogenize their creative output?
Only Congress Can Stop FCC's Sweeping Regulation of the Internet
Only Congress can undo the FCC's broad assertion of power over the Internet and return to the light touch regulation that facilitated the Internet revolution in the first place. Congress should act.
FTC Should Have Priority Over Internet Privacy
Too many government entities looking after our privacy means that we do not have any.
Republican Senators Attempt to Kill Email Privacy Act
Although House members recently passed the Email Privacy Act with unanimous consensus, some Republicans in the Senate are trying to kill the legislation. Why?