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June 8, 2022

Why Energy Companies Won't Produce

Companies expect that as soon as the current turmoil subsides, the Biden administration will shift back to hostile rhetoric, anti-energy legislative proposals, and oppositional regulatory policies. 

June 7, 2022

ObamaCare Premium Hikes Are Making Democrats Sick

So, on top of all the inflation pain consumers are already experiencing with food, rent, medicine and especially gasoline, several million Americans will receive a notice that their ObamaCare premiums are going up significantly. And while taxpayers will still be subsidizing those premiums, the subsidies won’t be as generous as they have been

May 19, 2022

Conservatives, Liberals Warn About 5th Circuit Court Lifting Injunction Against Texas' Social Media Law

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti | Media Hit

People who fall on all sides of the political spectrum are signaling concern over what implementing Texas’ social media law will look like practically.

May 17, 2022

What Share of the Hispanic Vote Would Give the GOP Political Dominance?

If Republicans were to consistently draw just over 30 percent of the Hispanic vote, they would likely dominate American politics in both presidential and congressional races.

May 15, 2022

So, You Think Texas Is a Free-market Paradise? Try Buying a Car Direct from Tesla

Republican Texas legislators have chosen the campaign dollars of big-money contributors over fidelity to their stated free-market principles. They’ve chosen favoring businesses over consumers.

May 12, 2022

Confused About President Biden's Policies? You're Not Alone

A stable economy needs stable policies. And businesses, consumers and regulators all need to know what those policies are. Unfortunately for the economy and the country, Biden’s policies keep shifting, depending on the latest crisis — and the latest polls.

May 3, 2022

Biden's Already Reducing Wealth Inequality--By Killing the Economy

Biden campaigned on reducing wealth inequality, and he’s certainly done that. Wealthy people with money in the stock market are likely worth a lot less today than at the beginning of the year.

Total Records: 1645