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February 22, 2022

Note to Biden: The US Can't Export Renewable Energy to Our Energy-deprived Allies

The best way to ensure that U.S. wells are producing and that oil and natural gas are available at home or abroad at reasonable prices is if there is a sustained, robust international demand for energy. Not only does our economy depend on it, our, and our allies’, national security depends on it. 

February 15, 2022

The Conservative Case for Nominating a Black Woman to the Supreme Court

Conservatives should be supporting the nomination of a Black woman to the Supreme Court and holding any potential criticisms until they see whom Biden names.

February 10, 2022

Unionization Would Make Congress Even More Costly and Inefficient

Even though many elected Democrats proudly pronounce their strong support for unions, the last thing they – or the public – want is a more costly, more demanding and less efficient Hill staff. 

February 4, 2022

Yes, Roe v. Wade Should Go. But So Should Texas' 'Heartbeat' Abortion Law. Here's Why

A self-governing people chooses their own laws through representative democracy, not through imposition by the judicial branch.

February 1, 2022

The Other Progressive Income Tax and How It Robs Seniors

It’s unlikely a spend-happy Congress will eliminate the benefits tax anytime soon, even if it does rob seniors of some of the benefits they deserve. Indeed, the bigger threat is Congress making it worse.

January 28, 2022

Med School Goes Full Woke

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit
January 25, 2022

Note to Democrats: Voting Has Never Been Easier

Most states are working to ensure that voting is as easy and secure as it can be.

January 18, 2022

Could the Coming 'Red Wave' Election Become a 'Red Tsunami'?

Biden appears hapless, confused and stymied. He won the presidential election not because of who he was, but because of who he wasn’t. And that means the November election might not only be a rejection of the president’s agenda – a red wave – but a rejection of the president himself.

January 11, 2022

A Conservative's Guide to Conspiracies--and Conspiracy Theories

How should conservatives think about conspiracy claims? We know conspiracies exist — the Clinton-Steele Dossier proved that. But as a rule, be careful about attributing to conspiracy what can just as easily be explained by incompetence or stupidity.

January 4, 2022

Texas and Other State Audits Should Restore Voter Confidence in Our Elections--But Will They?

With November midterm elections coming it’s critical that voters feel confidence in the basic accuracy and security of their state election systems. The really good news is that all the evidence so far indicates they can. 

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