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September 25, 2020

Union Fights Against Stable, Secure Healthcare Benefits for Kroger Workers

Employers, employees need flexibility now more than ever--that includes wages and benefits.

September 21, 2020

Election Will be a Referendum on Widely Different Health Care Visions

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

In the November 2020 election, voters will decide between candidates with widely different visions of American health care, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

September 16, 2020

In Defense of Trump's Efforts to Quell Pandemic Panic

Trump tried to calm the public during a pandemic and sound an optimistic note that the country is slowly returning to normal—and the media consider that a bad thing.

September 2, 2020

COVID Death Stats...Inaccurate or Just Misleading?

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

New information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 94% of reported coronavirus-related deaths had underlying medical conditions–-meaning that for the other 6%, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.

September 1, 2020

The Coming Blue-City Exodus

While the election isn’t until November 3, it looks like lots of people and businesses are, in a sense, “voting” early—with their feet.

August 31, 2020

Texas Could Mandate A COVID-19 Vaccine But It's More Likely Your Employer Will

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Those “no mask–no entry” signs could be extended to “no vaccine–no entry”.

August 25, 2020

Company-Administered Healthcare Key to Stable, Secure, and Strong Benefits for Workers

Employers need flexibility now more than ever, and that includes wages and benefits. 

August 25, 2020

Would a Democrat Have Managed the Pandemic Better?

Despite all of the Democratic claims of pandemic competence, there is little reason to think that the party could have handled the virus any better.

August 20, 2020

Calif. Should Have Been Most-Prepared...Alas, it Wasn't

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

California's blackouts are a preview of what would come under the Democrats' Green New Deal.

Total Records: 1645