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October 30, 2019

Poll: Voters Confused About Medicare for All

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Democrat voters are confused about what a single-payer, Medicare for All plan actually means, a new poll shows.

October 23, 2019

How Those Memes You Just Posted Could Soon Cost You $30,000

You’re served with a notice. Apparently you’d shared some photos you didn’t own on the internet a while ago, and now someone–possibly an artist, possibly a copyright troll–can file for damages of up to $30,000. Scam, you think, and toss the paper. Unfortunately for you, those copyright infringement proceedings were real, and now a government entity unbeknownst to you–something called the Copyright Claims Board–has determined, without judge or jury, that you owe this person $30,000.

October 22, 2019

Got A College Debt Problem? Social Security Could Solve It.

Young Americans owe the federal government, which also owes them. And neither can easily meet their obligations. Sounds like the makings of a deal to me.

October 21, 2019

Trump Orders Worthy Improvements in Medicare

Medicare open enrollment began last week and continues through Dec. 7. It’s an opportunity for seniors to ask what they want out of Medicare and choose an option moving them toward that goal. But those options could change significantly in the near future, for the better — or for the worse.

October 18, 2019

A Warning Over 'Free' Healthcare From Utopia of Canada

IPI expert referenced: Erin Humiston | Media Hit

Supporters of single-payer healthcare continue their efforts to promote the system in the U.S. but a critic says a sad and preventable case in Canada puts another dent in the argument for government-run healthcare.

October 16, 2019

Sanders', Warren's Medicare for All Not As It Seems

Even though two Democratic presidential primary frontrunners tout their universal healthcare program as “Medicare for All,” one expert in the medical field stresses that it is not today’s Medicare for all.

October 15, 2019

ALS Patient Chooses Suicide in Canada's Single-Payer Paradise

In single-payer systems, patients receive neither high quality nor comprehensive health care, nor are they alleviated from having to self-pay for the treatment they need. And although single-payer proponents won’t say it, euthanasia is a grim reality of socialized medicine. 

October 14, 2019

The NBA Kneeled to China

A hysterical over-reaction to something small does not show how strong someone is. It shows how weak and insecure they are.

October 10, 2019

Trump Impeachment Efforts Will Haunt the Next Democrat In the White House

Democrats will regret setting into motion the never-ending impeachment process.

October 8, 2019

The US Shale Oil Boom Has Made A Middle East War Less Likely

It looks like the decade-old U.S. shale oil boom may keep us out of war.

Total Records: 1645