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September 10, 2019

EPA Is Right to Grant Biofuel Waivers

Ethanol has become the epitome of the Washington "swamp." Blending corn-based ethanol into our gasoline no longer improves national security, and environmentalists increasingly agree it’s not environmentally friendly. 

September 8, 2019

We Can Stop Mass Shootings Without Restricting Second Amendment Liberties

It's time to adapt to the era of mass shootings. And once we have secured our public and private spaces against the deranged, we can start trying to address root causes.

September 6, 2019

Trump Administration Rescinds Obama-Era Methane Regulation

“The cost of complying with the Obama methane regulations are a rounding error to major companies but are a significant burden to smaller, more entrepreneurial companies, and we need both," said Tom Giovanetti. “The real solution is for Congress to pass legislation that creates predictability with these environmental regulations.” 

September 4, 2019

Drug Importation Is About Politics, Not Safety

A new IPI publication says the revived effort to legalize the importation of prescription drugs has bipartisan support, but the practice remains just as dangerous as ever, since the lawmakers who hope to benefit from the scheme’s political expediency simply cannot guarantee the safety of imported drugs.

August 28, 2019

NASA Chief Bridenstine in Dallas to Highlight U.S. Mission to Moon, Mars

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine will visit Dallas on Friday, September 13, to highlight NASA’s mission to return to the Moon and enable human exploration of Mars in keynote remarks before the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series.

August 9, 2019

Our Own Private Theranos

The licensing of intellectual property is put at risk by absurd outcomes like the HouseCanary verdict.

August 1, 2019

How Is the Tariff Working Out for the U.S. Steel Industry?

President Trump presumably wants to help the steel industry prosper. To do that, his administration needs to find an acceptable tariff exit strategy as quickly as possible. 

July 30, 2019

Congress Considers Bill Targeting Hospital Consolidation

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

IPI's Merrill Matthews says the GOP-sponsored bill increases bureaucracy, imposes price controls and is not free market.

July 23, 2019

Is Sen. Bernie Sanders Dooming His Presidential Campaign by Embracing Socialism?

Sanders’ reluctance to denounce authoritarian socialists, both now and in the past, is characteristic of the widespread speak-no-ill-of-socialists mentality.

July 22, 2019

Don't Let Budget Talks Threaten Medicare Part D

Overhauling Medicare’s Part D drug benefit would be a colossal — and costly — mistake.

Total Records: 1645