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October 26, 2023

Eroding Patent Rights Threatens U.S. Cancer Patients

It's no exaggeration to say that a cure for cancer depends on strong patent protections. The Bayh-Dole system has worked remarkably well. Yet the Biden administration seeks to break what has never been broken.

October 24, 2023

'Stop the Steal' Is Falling, But Its Damage Can't Be Undone

It’s hard to overstate the irony that one of the leading instigators and promoters of the 2020 stolen-election narrative, attorney Sidney Powell, who accused so many others of election interference, has now pleaded guilty to … wait for it … election interference.  

October 17, 2023

What influence have independent candidacies had in the history of US presidential elections?

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Republicans and Democrats closely control every political aspect in the US and in election season, they predominate over any other option for the presidency. However, alternative or independent candidacies have had significant impacts throughout history.

October 17, 2023

Democrats Face the Age-old, Old-age Dilemma with Biden

Like most seniors in age denialism, Biden would likely reject any suggestion that he isn’t up to the job. But while Biden may be in denial, voters aren’t. 

October 10, 2023

Minorities May Hold the Key to a GOP Presidential Victory

For more than 60 years the Democratic Party has had a virtual lock on the Black and Hispanic vote. But thanks to President Joe Biden’s complete failure to address the border crisis and crime, people of color could shift their vote in large numbers to the Republican presidential candidate, whoever that may be.  

October 3, 2023

Bidenomics Has Erased the 'Wealth Effect'

The wealth effect is a direct result of pro-growth economic policies: low tax rates, limited government and lite-touch regulation. Currently neither major candidate is embracing that approach.

September 29, 2023

Why are Some Republicans Acting Like Progressive Democrats? This Bill Is a Clue

New Right populism isn’t very different from leftist progressivism, and it will be as harmful for the country as leftist progressivism. The Railway Safety Act demonstrates the difference between truly conservative Republicans such as Cruz and big-government, pro-union populists such as Vance.

September 26, 2023

Suspected Terrorists are Streaming Across Biden's Broken Border

With the massive increase of encounters, it’s clear that people on the terrorist watchlist see an opportunity and are trying to seize it.

September 19, 2023

Government Shutdown Lessons for the GOP

Shutdowns tend to be a political loser for Republicans—and the country. Here’s why.

September 12, 2023

Trump and Biden Put Their Egos Before Their Country

Given their age and various legal and health challenges, there is nothing dishonorable about Trump and Biden deciding not to run again. They don’t have to convince the country it’s the right thing to do—the country knows that. They would only have to convince their egos.

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