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June 8, 2018

Social Security Isn't 'Going Broke' - It's Already Broke

If Social Security must pay out more than it receives, which the trustees say will happen this year for the first time since 1982, the government cannot draw from other assets because doesn’t have any.

June 8, 2018

Single-Payer Health Care Won't Pass Muster in California or Other States

The good news is that state-level Democrats can rattle the single-payer saber in the hope of attracting progressive voters, but they can't do much about it.

May 30, 2018

NAFTA Negotiators Must Protect U.S. Intellectual Property

If a new NAFTA doesn't improve intellectual property protection, it's not a better deal.

May 30, 2018

Give Wayfair (and Americans) A Fair Break on Taxes

If South Dakota wins, all of us may confront tax demands from states and localities we've never visited and have nothing to do with.

May 30, 2018

Reducing Global Energy Turmoil with Fracking

The recent U.S. gas and oil boom will help fill any impending gaps in the global energy supply.

May 18, 2018

Health Experts Pin Rising Drug Costs on Complex Supply Chain, Pricing Schemes

As state and federal lawmakers across the country grapple with how best to address health care costs for patients, the Mackinac Center for Public Policy yesterday convened an event in Lansing to discuss the various solutions being weighed in Michigan.

May 18, 2018

Health Insurance Premium Increases Are Not Trump's Fault

Democrats are doing their best to blame the current president for a problem that is entirely of their own making: Under ObamaCare the individual health insurance market began to collapse long before Trump became a factor.

May 16, 2018

Giovanetti: Senate Vote Reimposing Title II 'Political Theater' by Democrats, 'Inexplicable' by Republicans

Any notion that the Senate is the more deliberate and prudent of the two bodies of Congress should be discarded after today’s vote to misuse the Congressional Review Act to re-impose 1930s-era federal regulations on internet providers. 

May 7, 2018

Democrats Misusing the Congressional Review Act to Re-Regulate the Internet

The U.S. Senate will shortly face an attempt by Democrats to misuse the Congressional Review Act  to re-impose Title II regulations on internet service providers (ISPs).  And while this divisive, grandstanding approach will likely fail and even backfire, the ploy shows proponents’ determination to put the federal government back in charge of micromanaging the Internet.

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