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April 9, 2018

The Granite State Goes All In Against Internet Sales Taxes

New Hampshire politicians from the State House to the US Senate have lined up against the expansion of internet sales taxes ahead of a Supreme Court hearing later this month that could end the current sales-tax status quo.

April 9, 2018

Protecting the Open Internet

Republicans should drop a simple and elegant bill — one that bars all Internet players from interfering with or censoring the online experience of all Americans.

April 5, 2018

IPI Files Amicus Brief in Landmark Wayfair Case Opposing Taxation Without Representation

The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), along with several other organizations, has filed an amicus brief in the landmark Internet sales tax case South Dakota v. Wayfair, scheduled on April 17 before the U.S. Supreme Court.

April 4, 2018

New CMS Report on Obamacare: ACA Failing, in a Death Spiral

A new report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) paints a bleak picture of Obamacare’s 2018 health insurance exchange enrollment.

April 2, 2018

Chinese Trade War Shows Tariffs Don't Make America Great Again

As China increases tariffs on 128 U.S. products and the first sparks of a trade war begin to fly, President Trump demonstrates a failure to learn lessons from history in his pursuit to make tariffs great again.

March 26, 2018

Call It the 'Omni-Bust' Spending Bill

Members of Congress refer to their just-passed government-funding legislation as the “omnibus spending bill.” But “omni-bust” would better describe it, because it reveals all the ways Congress is busted.

March 21, 2018

Liquor Sales Ruling a Victory for Texans, Free Markets

In a victory for the Texas economy and consumers, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled against an anti-competitive state law barring publicly traded companies from owning package liquor stores.

March 21, 2018

Dershowitz to Share Concerns Over 'Criminalization of Political Differences' at IPI Event in Irving

 For its next Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series event, IPI will host acclaimed civil liberties attorney Alan M. Dershowitz in Irving on Wednesday, March 28, 2018. The world-renowned litigator will share his concerns on the current state of political discourse.

March 21, 2018

Congress Should Not Give Facebook A Free Pass On Net Neutrality

Recent experience suggests that it is non-ISPs like Twitter and Facebook that are the real threat to openness.

March 15, 2018

Trump Announces New Economic Advisor

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

“With the departure of Gary Cohn, many were concerned that an important voice for free markets would be missing from the administration,” stated Merrill Matthews, a scholar at the conservative  Institute for Policy Innovation. “Appointing Larry Kudlow should relieve those fears.”

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