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July 21, 2017

If GOP Can't Repeal ACA, Market Stabilization Quick Fixes Are Possible, Observers Say

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

"Probably the best way to stabilize the markets is for states to shift to an invisible high-risk pool, as Alaska and Maine have done," Matthews said. "But it isn't entirely clear how well that works for larger states with multiple carriers. And it isn't clear Republicans will provide any money for that."

July 21, 2017

How Abbott Could Introduce Regulatory Agencies to Reality

What’s surprising is that Texas — a state that has embraced a limited-government, free-market approach — still delegates and defers so much power to outdated regulatory agencies.

July 19, 2017

When Trump Touts 'Made in America' He Should Talk Energy Too

There is at least one sector where “Made in America” means a stronger economy — not a weaker one.

July 17, 2017

IPI Urges FCC Reversal of Title II Broadband Reclassification

In comments filed today, IPI applauded the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom rulemaking, especially the agency’s reversal on the Wheeler FCC’s “most unfortunate and unnecessary error”-- the 2015 mistake of reclassifying broadband as a Title II common carrier communications service.

July 12, 2017

Why Democrats Should Love Cruz's Health Care Amendment

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), along with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), may have the solution to the health care stalemate—and it just might allow a functioning health insurance market to emerge once again for most people.

July 11, 2017

Agency to Drop Royalty Rates for US Gulf Lease Sale

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece Sunday, Merrill Matthews of the conservative think tank Institute for Policy Innovation highlighted the differences in production and royalty rats between federal and state lands.

July 11, 2017

Price Transparency Is Critical to Drug Pricing Solutions

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Prescription drug costs are a hot political issue, not as much because of the share of the U.S. health care dollar they consume but because consumers pay a larger share of their drug costs out of pocket than they do for other health care.

July 9, 2017

Mineral Rights Can Make You Rich

“So much of our land was closed to development,” President Trump observed in a recent energy speech. “We’re opening it up.” If he makes good on that promise, it will give the economy a major boost, along with millions of royalty owners.

July 7, 2017

Ted Cruz & Mike Lee Have An Rx

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

To be clear, this is not the free-market approach that many of us would like, but neither the House nor the Senate has enough votes to return health insurance to a free market, said Merrill Matthews. What Cruz is trying to do is create a situation where the vast majority of people in the individual health-insurance market would have a wide range of affordable health-insurance options — just like they used to before Obamacare.”

July 7, 2017

More Competition And Perhaps Lower Prices Coming To The Drug Industry

Trump administration officials have drafted a presidential executive order intended to address the cost of and access to prescription drugs.  That’s good news, because the left plans to make drug costs and access one of its major political bludgeons.

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