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March 23, 2017

Matthews Praises Freedom Caucus for Demanding Changes Ensuring AHCA 'Actually Works'

As Republican leaders continue to work to garner support from the House Freedom Caucus for the American Health Care Act, IPI resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews said the Freedom Caucus is "doing exactly the right thing."

March 17, 2017

Will Single-Payer Health Care Be California's Next Big Fiscal Crisis?

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

As Institute for Policy Innovation scholar Merrill Matthews recently noted in these pages, a number of states have tried to impose single-payer health plans on their citizens and failed.

March 17, 2017

How the Texas Legislature Can Solve the Bathroom Bill Dilemma Without Using the Words 'Bathroom' Or 'Transgender'

The state of Texas has a compelling interest in protecting its residents against municipal actions that erode economic and social freedom, including municipal do-gooders. The legislature should craft alternate legislation that is at the same time broader and better than the well-intended but wrongly targeted bathroom bill.  

March 17, 2017

Federal Oil And Gas Leases Could Pay For The Republican Health Plan

Republicans need a new revenue stream to pay for their health care bill, and expanded oil and gas exploration could provide much, and perhaps most, of that funding.

March 14, 2017

ACA Reforms Could Replicate Old Problems for Health Insurers, Observers Say

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

The GOP plan could just repeat the same ACA mistakes, said IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews. "Instead of letting health insurers do what insurers do underwrite Republicans are retaining Obamacare's guaranteed issue provision."

March 13, 2017

Tom Price: Nobody Will Be Worse Off Financially Under AHCA

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti | Media Hit

Leaders on the Hill, in industry and some in public health praised Trump's pick of Gottlieb — a former FDA and CMS official, who's also a physician and a prominent health policy commentator — to run the agency. "The reason I voted through my objections with Trump is that a presidential election selects a team, not one person," said Tom Giovanetti, head of the conservative Institute of Policy Innovation. "Scott Gottlieb is another example."

March 12, 2017

EPA Fracking Report Abandons Science, Critics Charge

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Political pressure from environmental groups likely trumped science in the agency’s latest report examining fracking and its risks to drinking water, according to the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI), a Texas-based think tank. 

March 9, 2017

Scott Pruitt Will Have to Change EPA Policies - And Culture

Scott Pruitt may face the biggest challenge of all of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointments because the EPA is dedicated to a cause rather than the public.

March 8, 2017

Will the Republican Replace Plan Sink Into A 'Death Spiral'?

Guaranteed issue is a strange policy to include when the goal is to make health insurance more affordable and accessible.

March 8, 2017

Free-Market Oriented Groups Urge FCC to Reverse ISP Privacy Rule

Free-market oriented groups urged the FCC to reverse its ISP privacy rules, approved in October. The FCC posted thousands of public comments this week on the rules, many of them urging the agency to better align its rules with those of the FTC.

Total Records: 1645