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February 3, 2017

Giovanetti: Email Privacy Act a 'Slam Dunk'

If the Act becomes law, digital data older than 180 days would still be considered active rather than ‘abandoned,’ and would still be subject to the normal requirements governing analog information.

January 27, 2017

The Future Of American Manufacturing Is High Tech, Not High Tariffs

If Trump focuses on these reforms, rather than punitive tariffs, he'll stand a good chance of rejuvenating American manufacturing.

January 24, 2017

Trump Pipeline Action Boon to U.S. Job Creation

By advancing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects, President Donald Trump is not only moving to unshackle the energy industry and promote a more secure United States, but is giving the green light to create a wealth of middle class jobs.

January 23, 2017

Where Obamacare Stands Now

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit
January 23, 2017

Matthews: Trump's Obamacare Executive Order 'Quick, Decisive'

President Trump’s executive order directing federal agencies to ease the burden of Obamacare is both quick and decisive in minimizing the law’s many burdens. “For those who wanted the president to act, you can’t get much broader—or better—than that," said Matthews.

January 23, 2017

The Obama Economy: Three Shocking Numbers From Obama's Economic Legacy

IPI expert referenced: Tom Giovanetti | Media Hit

While Obama promised America “hope and change” from a progressive left-of-center dogma, it was more of the “same ol’, same ‘ol” from an economic standpoint.

January 20, 2017

Trump Inauguration: Positive Signs For Gas Sector As Power Transfers

IPI expert referenced: Merrill Matthews | Media Hit

Donald Trump took the oath of office Friday promising to bring jobs back to the US and put America first in matters of trade and foreign affairs. And a statement released by his White House as soon as the power transferred to Trump touted "an America first energy plan," promising to maximize the use of American energy resources, end dependence on foreign oil and scrap burdensome regulations.

January 18, 2017

Perry Shouldn't Forget to Do These Four Things at the Energy Department

Perry needs to eliminate the many costly and counterproductive activities of the Department of Energy and return the agency to its original mission.

January 9, 2017

Next Big Conservative Challenge: Turning Big Cities Red

If large cities are to return to financial stability and economic growth, they must be run by people who believe in free markets, limited government and a light regulatory burden.

January 6, 2017

How Democrats Plan To Sidetrack The Effort To Repeal And Replace Obamacare

Republicans are trying to pass something that will actually lower premiums and improve access to coverage and care. They should ignore Democratic efforts to distract them and stay focused on the issue at hand: repealing and replacing Obamacare.

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