An Open Letter to the President and Congress Regarding Tariffs
Dr. Merrill Matthews joins thousands of other economists as a signator on an open letter to President Trump and Congress expressing opposition to protectionist tariffs.
Coalition Letter Celebrating 2018 World Intellectual Property Day
IPI is proud to stand with content creators and rights holders around the world to fight for stronger, more effective intellectual property rights.
Coalition Letter Urging Intellectual Property Protection Under NAFTA
Intellectual property is too important to global health and America’s industrial competitiveness to accept a new NAFTA lacking in robust IP protections.
Amicus Brief in Landmark Internet Sales Tax Case South Dakota v. Wayfair
IPI and four other free market organizations today filed an amicus brief in the landmark internet sales tax case of South Dakota v. Wayfair
IPI Joins Coalition Letter to President Trump Urging Reconsideration of Aluminum and Steel Tariffs
On behalf of the undersigned groups representing millions of taxpayers and consumers across the country, we urge you to reconsider the tariffs on aluminum and steel announced on March 1, 2018.
Coalition Letter to the President Regarding Tariffs
Coalition Letter to Congress Regarding the Remote Transactions Parity Act
Coalition letter expressing opposition to H.R. 2193, the so-called “Remote Transactions Parity Act” (RTPA), which would grant states new power to tax and regulate internet sales made by businesses outside their borders.
Coalition Letter in Support of Tax Reform Legislation
Coalition letter in support of meaningful, transformational tax reform legislation that will strengthen economic growth and enable greater prosperity for American workers, families, and job creators.
Coalition Letter Regarding Civil Asset Forfeiture Amendments to CJS Appropriations
Coalition letter asking House Leaders for a vote on an Asset Forfeiture amendment to the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriation bill.