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April 6, 2015

Letter Urging Withdrawal of Funding to O.E.C.D

American taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize international organizations working against U.S. interests.

February 17, 2015

Coalition Letter to the CDC Regarding Access to Immunizations

Government bureaucrats should not block parental access to life-saving vaccinations.

February 10, 2015

We Need Tax Reform NOW

More than 70 organizations unite in the message of this coalition letter to send a powerful message to Congress that there is momentum around tax reform, and that it should become one of their very top priorities.

February 2, 2015

Coalition Letter to Congress Emphasizing the Importance of IP Protection

Signed by 66 think tanks, advocacy groups, scholars, issue experts and stakeholders, the letter expresses strong support for all types of IP. Instead of weakening the rights of innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs Congress should reflect on the integral role IP rights plays in American economic, technological, and cultural leadership. As such, Congress should focus on preserving and enhancing IP rights by fostering market based solutions to widespread IP theft.

August 26, 2014

Comments to the FCC Opposing Federal Preemption of State Municipal Broadband Limitation

It would be unconstitutional for the FCC to preempt prudent state laws restricting municipal broadband projects, which have largely been wastes of taxpayer dollars,

July 14, 2014

Letter to Senator Thune Regarding STELA

IPI recommends passage of a "clean" reauthorization of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act (STELA).

Total Records: 216