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Legislative Affairs

Legislative Affairs RSS Feed
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July 31, 2013

Coalition Letter to Congress Regarding U.S. Sugar Policies

IPI joins with the American Conservative Union and other free market advocates urging a halt to all market-manipulating sugar policies world wide.

June 10, 2013

Comments to the ITC in the Matter of Electronic Digital Media Devices

Urging the ITC to forbear from issuing further exclusion orders in this matter, in order to discourage the forum shopping that brought these cases to the ITC.

April 2, 2013

Protecting Secondary Markets for Tickets

Testimony in support of legislation to protect the natural secondary markets for tickets against those who seek to extinguish or monopolize them.

March 5, 2013

Letter to Tennessee Legislature Regarding Pole Attachment Fees

IPI urges the Tennessee legislature to reject a proposal that would radically increase the pole attachment fee charged to broadband providers because it would raise the cost and slow the spread of broadband in Tennessee.

January 28, 2013

Comments to the FCC Urging Test Migrations from PSTN to IP-based Networks

IPI urges the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to do its part to speed the transition from the legacy PSTN to IP-based networks by allowing test migrations in specific geographic areas, and by reforming several other archaic regulations.

Total Records: 216