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November 27, 2012

Coalition Letter Regarding Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012

Believers in free markets seek to reduce, rather than increase, the government’s role in markets and price-setting whenever possible. Accordingly, we respectfully write to express our grave concerns about H.R. 6480, the misnamed “Internet Radio Fairness Act of 2012.”

October 5, 2012

Comments Regarding New Zealand Plain Packaging Regulation

IPI reminds New Zealand that its proposed plain packaging regulation for tobacco products violates existing WTO rules and the Paris Convention, reflects an incomplete understanding of the value and importance of trademarks, sets a harmful precedent which could be extended to other types of products, and will inevitably lead to an increase in counterfeit products.

September 27, 2012

Coalition Letter Regarding Welfare Requirements

Coalition letter in support of resolutions that would stop efforts by the Obama Administration to weaken the work requirements in the federal welfare program.

July 26, 2012

Pro-Growth Tax Reform That Works

To maintain and expand manufacturing and manufacturing jobs, and for the overall health of the U.S. economy, the Congress should reduce the corporate tax rate and make permanent either 50 percent or 100 percent first-year expensing of business capital equipment.  That should be followed with tax reforms that better enable businesses to export goods and compete directly in foreign markets. 

June 8, 2012

Coalition Letter to the FCC Regarding Assignment of AWS Licenses

A coalition of 14 free market organizations, including the Institute for Policy Innovation, urged the Federal Communications Commission to approve a private deal between Verizon and cable companies that will free currently unused spectrum to help alleviate the growing “spectrum crunch” that many wireless consumers – particularly those in densely populated areas of the country – are already feeling.

April 2, 2012

Comments submitted by the Communications and Technology Task Force of the American Legislative Exchange Council

by Bartlett D. Cleland, Rep. Blair Thoreson | Regulatory Filings

These comments are submitted by the chairmen of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s Communications and Technology Task Force (Task Force) in response to the request for comments by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) about which consumer data privacy issues should be the focus of NTIA-convened multistakeholder processes, and specific procedural considerations that NTIA should take into account when initiating a privacy multistakeholder process.

Total Records: 216