Comments to the FCC Regarding Cross Ownership Ban
Coalition Letter Regarding Aviation Industry Taxes
Americans for Tax Reform, joined by a strong coalition of groups representing millions of concerned citizens and taxpayers, urged Members of Congress to reject any effort to increase fees on the aviation industry.
Comments to the FCC Regarding ATT&T and T-Mobile Merger
Comments to the FCC Regarding Retransmission
Letter to Judiciary Committee Regarding ICE
Testimony Before the Texas Senate Regarding SB1087
Letter to Georgia Legislators Regarding Communications Flat Tax Proposal
Letter to Georgia Legislators outlining thoughts related to the proposed Communications Flat Tax proposal contained in HB 385.
Coalition Letter to the FCC Regarding Net Neutrality
This coalition letter was circulated by Americans for Tax Reform and filed with the Federal Communications Commissions in opposition to their persuit of regulations misleadingly called “Net Neutrality” that would permit the government to dictate how Internet service providers manage the data that is transferred on the Internet. To do so, the FCC would apply “Title II” laws to the Internet originally intended for monopoly telephone carriers in the 1930s. The regulation opens the door for Internet taxes, price setting, content monitoring and censorship, and is also guaranteed to stifle broadband expansion and adoption, which would have a devastating impact on jobs and the economy.