Publication Type
December 16, 2009
Brief of Amicus Curiae Institute for Policy Innovation In Support of Defendant-Appellee Richard Levin, Tax Commissioner of Ohio
This brief of amicus curiae was filed by the Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) in the case DirecTV, Inc., and Echostar Satellite LLC vs. Richard Levin, Tax Commissioner of Ohio.
In the brief, IPI argues that states (in this case, the state of Ohio) have the right to levy a tax on the delivery of DBS TV and that this is an issue of federalism. IPI also argues that franchise fees levied on the delivery of cable TV is also a tax. IPI argues that, because like services should be taxed alike, states have the right to attempt to equalize taxation through such means, though IPI prefers that the tax burden be equalized by moving taxes lower, rather than higher.
In the brief, IPI argues that states (in this case, the state of Ohio) have the right to levy a tax on the delivery of DBS TV and that this is an issue of federalism. IPI also argues that franchise fees levied on the delivery of cable TV is also a tax. IPI argues that, because like services should be taxed alike, states have the right to attempt to equalize taxation through such means, though IPI prefers that the tax burden be equalized by moving taxes lower, rather than higher.
September 8, 2009
Comments to the FCC Regarding the Performance Rights Act
June 8, 2009
Comments to the FCC Regarding Broadband Plan Notice of Inquiry
In this letter the Institute for Policy Innovation provides input regarding the direction given in The Recovery Act tasking the Commission with developing a national broadband plan.
April 1, 2009
Comments to the FCC Regarding PEG Channels
March 25, 2009
Comments to the NTIA regarding the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
This letter is in response to the joint request for information regarding Section 6001 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) which requires the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to establish the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP).
September 4, 2008
Comments to the FCC Regarding ARMIS Data Collection
August 26, 2008
Comments to the FCC Regarding the Merger Review Process
April 14, 2008