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February 22, 2021

The New Push to Expand Government's Role in Health Care Won't Work. Here's How We Can Help Americans Instead.

An open letter from 68 leaders participating in the Health Policy Consensus Group.

October 29, 2020

Coalition Letter Regarding Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB),

The importance of promoting and protecting America’s patent system is clear -– and so too is the need for Congress to defend the many strides the Trump administration has taken to restore balance in the patent system.

October 26, 2020

Coalition Letter Regarding the FCC's Proposal To Expand Existing Primary Wi-Fi Band Into the 5.9 GHz Band

The FCC’s 5.9 GHz compromise proposal is the best near-term solution to meet consumers’ growing connectivity needs and serve as a bridge and critical complement to the expanded new 6 GHz Wi-Fi ecosystem.

October 8, 2020

Coalition Letter Urging Senators To Confirm Amy Coney Barrett

A broad community of stakeholders, representing freemarket, family, faith, education, business, and judicial interests come together to speak with a clear and singular voice.

October 7, 2020

Coalition Letter Opposing 5G Nationalization

Taxpayers should not foot the bill for something that the private sector is already committed to doing through a free market approach.

September 17, 2020

FCC: Promises Kept Coalition Letter

Coalition letter thanking all five FCC Commissioners, Chairman Ajit Pai, Commissioner Mike O’Rielly, Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner Brendan Carr, and Commissioner Geoffery Starks, and the entire FCC staff for their valuable work that should not be dismissed as “lost opportunities.”

August 11, 2020

Coalition Letter Opposing President Donald Trump's Recent "Most Favored Nation" Executive Order

In a coalition letter the signers urge President Trump to apply the same successful, deregulatory, market-based approach that he has championed in other policy areas to health care.

July 29, 2020

Letter for the Record on Antitrust from Conservative and Free Market Leaders

In this coalition letter, these organizations caution weaponizing antitrust for broader socioeconomic purposes would fundamentally alter the primary goal of antitrust, undermine the rule of law, and negatively impact consumers.

July 21, 2020

Coalition Letter Regarding CARES Act Benefit Expiration

While originally intended to provide additional upport for families and businesses complying with government-mandated economic restrictions to address COVID-19, the policy of providing supplemental unemployment insurance has stifled our nation's recovery and is keeping Americans from returning to work.

June 18, 2020

Responding to the Coronavirus Crisis and Building a Stronger Health Sector for the Future

An open letter to the American people from 75 participants in the Health Policy Consensus Group and other health care leaders providing important guidance to policymakers following lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis, especially the imperative for greater flexibility in our health sector.

Total Records: 215