Responding to the Coronavirus Crisis and Building a Stronger Health Sector for the Future
An open letter to the American people from 75 participants in the Health Policy Consensus Group and other health care leaders providing important guidance to policymakers following lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis, especially the imperative for greater flexibility in our health sector.
Coalition Letter Regarding the Imposition of New Buy America Requirements for Medical Goods and Pharmaceutical Products
In this letter to the administration, economists from numerous organizations encourage the U.S. and its trading partners to pursue policies that make medical supplies more plentiful and affordable.
Coalition Letter Regarding Intellectual Property of COVID-19 Research
Coalition letter in opposition to lawmakers actions that would deny patents, exclusivity, and property rights to biomedical innovators working on vaccines, diagnostics, therapies, and cures for COVID-19.
Coalition Letter Regarding the Proposed "Buy American" Mandate
If implemented, a Buy American mandate would disrupt existing supply chains, invite retaliatory actions from trading partners, and threaten timely access to medicines. In this current health crisis, such a mandate could even threaten our ability to adequately respond to the pandemic.
Coalition Letter Advocating Transparency and Oversight of Coronavirus Stimulus Spending
Bipartisan groups lay out principles for transparency and oversight of coronavirus stimulus spending.
The Importance of a Quick C-Band Auction to America's 5G Future
In this coalition letter to the FCC Commissioner the group encourages the Commission to do everything it can to minimize obstacles that could slow the C-band auction, as it is vital that American wireless providers continue building 5G networks.
Comments to the SEC Regarding Exemptions From the Proxy Rules for Proxy Voting Advice
IPI President Tom Giovanetti files these comments with the SEC encouraging actions to rein in the power of proxy advisory services in protection of individual investors.