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April 28, 2019

Coalition Letter to Congress Regarding the Employment-Based Fifth Preference (EB-5) Visa Program

Undercutting the EB-5 program is a mistake that will hurt the U.S. economy by limiting the program’s ability to create jobs and fund infrastructure projects.

April 8, 2019

Coalition Letter to Congress in Support of the Taxpayer First Act of 2019

Passage would improve safeguards for taxpayers when dealing with the IRS, upgrade management and customer service at the tax agency, and create a pathway for modernizing administration of tax laws.

April 1, 2019

Coalition Letter In Opposition to A New Payroll Tax and Paid Leave Entitlement Program

In this letter to Congress, IPI joins with other free market organizations voicing opposition to a new payroll tax and new paid leave entitlement program. 

March 26, 2019

Coalition Letter Supporting Reexamination of Children's Television Programming "KidVid" Rules

In light of the significant transformations in the children’s video programming marketplace in the decades since the Commission adopted many of the KidVid rules, we believe firmly that this is an area ripe for reform and deregulation.

March 13, 2019

Coalition Letter to the 116th Congress Urging the Protection of Intellectual Property

Coalition letter of over 70 cosigners urging the 116th Congress to protect intellectual property rights for every American innovator.

Total Records: 216