The Unconstitutional, Unjust, and Destructive Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains
Biden's tax on unrealized capital gains joins my growing list of the worst tax proposals.
Obama Mandated Health Insurance, Biden Mandates Electric Vehicles
Obama mandated people buy health insurance; Biden is taking a backdoor approach to essentially mandate that you buy and electric vehicle.
Red-State Cities Thrive, Blue-State Cities Dive
Residents of big, blue-state cities are leaving. They're moving to the suburbs or to red states to escape the disastrous policies imposed by progressive mayors and city councils.
Tariffs: The Most Insidious Tax of All
Trump's tariffs, which Biden has retained, have cost Americans—not other countries—billions of dollars.
Trump's Tariffs Swelled the Swamp
Trump's tariffs, which Biden has retained, have cost Americans—not other countries—billions of dollars.
The Worst of the Biden Tax Increases
There are a number of candidates for the title of "Worst Tax Increases" in Biden's new tax proposals. Here's my two worst options.
Modern Monetary Theory, RIP
Modern Monetary Theory has been put to the test thanks to President Biden and the Democrats. How's that working for us?
With Biden, a Foot in the Door Always Leads to Barging In
Biden uses every new tax and regulation, regardless of how small, as a stepping stone to soon demand even more.
Stock Buybacks are Good, Not Bad
Despite Democratic criticisms, there are good economic reasons why some companies choose to buy back their own stocks.
Is Great Britain's Health Care System 'Falling Apart'?
Don't listen to Bernie Sanders's praise of government-run health care systems; listen to the people who work in it.