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February 28, 2023

When Government's 'Strings' Create Business Puppets

President Biden is using federal subsidies to force companies to do what he couldn't get Congress to force them to do.

February 23, 2023

More Good News on State Taxes

States that have a low flat rate or no state income tax are seeing significant revenue growth.

February 22, 2023

This Section 230 Stuff Is not as Complicated as You Might Think

Critics of Big Tech are misrepresenting Section 230 and purposely convoluting its meaning. It’s really not all that complicated.

February 21, 2023

Is a Four-Day Work Week in Our Future?

Tired of going to school or working five days a week? There's a small but growing four-day week trend that may change the way we work.

February 16, 2023

"Crushed" by Conservatives Abandoning their Principles

While Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) says “Big Tech” is “crushing” free speech, we are crushed to see Rep. Buck and fawning organizations abandoning their free market, limited government principles.

February 14, 2023

What You Need to Know About Government's Clean Energy Subsidies

The current push for more clean energy efforts is being driven more by government subsidies than consumer demand.

February 9, 2023

Taxing Wealth Is Taxing Work

President Biden's effort to punish the wealthy with higher taxes reveals, yet again, that he doesn't understand either wealth or tax rates.

February 7, 2023

Republicans Don't Like Earmarks, Except When They Do

Can Republicans embrace earmarks and gain voters' trust that they are fiscally responsible? There may be one way.

February 2, 2023

A Better Way to Pay for Roads

It’s time to start talking about phasing out fuel taxes and phasing in usage taxes. It simply makes sense that those who put the most stress on our transportation infrastructure and who profit from the roads have a proportional share in paying for them.

January 31, 2023

Republicans Must Refuse to Suspend or Eliminate the Federal Debt Ceiling

Congress needs to keep a debt limit on federal spending because it is the only forcing mechanism to make Washington face how much money it's spending. 

Total Records: 2049