Constitutions Matter for Tax Rates
One benefit of a flat tax is that legislators can't stick it to high-income individuals and corporations without sticking it to everyone.
In Defense of Corporate Layoffs
Yes, massive employee layoffs hurt, but they also allow companies to reposition themselves to become more efficient and weather economic downturns.
A Quick and Easy Way to Grow the Workforce
The economy needs more workers; here's what government can do to encourage more seniors to work.
Does Higher Pay to Legislators Lead to Better Governance?
States that pay their legislators the most get, in return, higher taxes, more regulations and terrible governance.
The Worker-Shortage Mystery Solved--Mostly
A Federal Reserve Bank paper explains why so many employers are still struggling to find workers.
Senator Murphy Needs a Lesson in Family Decisions
Families, like Congress, must pay their bills. But they also make important decisions about controlling their spending, something Democrats don't want to do.
'I Want High-Income Earners to Stay'
New York City Mayor Eric Adams learns a lesson: Increasing taxes on the rich is the best way to ensure NYC loses revenue.
Free Trade Theory Must Be Tempered by Trade Realism
A trade policy embracing free trade is the goal; but many of our trading partners engage in practices that force us to adjust that goal to fit reality.
Evidence that Low Tax Rates Encourage Compliance, High Rates Don't
The Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act ironically provides evidence for why low tax rates promote tax compliance.
Big Government = Big Fraud, and Even China Gets Its Share
Big government that hands out trillions of taxpayer dollars should expect to be targeted by hackers and scammers—and even the Chinese got their share.