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June 29, 2021

Oops! That Darned Debt Ceiling Is Back

The federal debt ceiling is back, and it poses yet another roadblock to the Democrats' spending spree.

June 23, 2021

On Housing Values and the Wealth Tax

The problems of a wealth tax far exceed those of other taxes, and we would be wise to avoid it.

June 22, 2021

Your Portion of the Federal Debt Is Likely Much Larger Than You Think

Economists often highlight the federal debt's per-person obligation. But not everyone pays federal income taxes and half only pay a small portion, thus the debt burden falls heavily on higher-income households.

June 16, 2021

Should the IRS Calculate Your Taxes?

Now that everyone is past the various due dates for filing their 2020 income taxes, is there an easier way for Americans to do their taxes? A lot of people apparently think so.

June 15, 2021

Not The Babylon Bee: Biden Nixes a GOP Gas Tax Increase Proposal

President Biden is schooling some Republicans on the harm caused by taxes hikes—no, seriously. 

June 11, 2021

Expanding Broadband in Texas the Right Way

The low-hanging fruit for expanding broadband access is clearing away barriers to deployment. With HB 1505, Texas has taken some significant steps to extend broadband access to the approximately 4 percent of Texans who lack it. Other states should follow the example.

June 9, 2021

A Major Tax Scandal

The scandal in the ProPublica tax disclosure story is ProPublica’s illegal disclosure of personal tax information, not the wealthy’s legal compliance with the tax code as designed by Congress.

June 8, 2021

Biden's Backdoor Scheme for Effectively Raising the Minimum Wage

Joe Biden is unlikely to get his $15/hour minimum wage proposal passed, so he's trying to increase wages through the backdoor—and it may be working.

June 2, 2021

Have Gun, Will Vote

More women and minorities are becoming first-time gun owners, which should worry Democratic politicians since gun owners tend to vote more Republican. 

June 1, 2021

All This for 1.8 Percent Growth?

So what the Biden administration is proposing is a gargantuan expansion of federal spending and borrowing, which will explode the deficit, further bloat the national debt, and run the risk of monetary inflation, all in order to achieve a rate of economic growth that is lower than that of the previous administration.

Total Records: 2037