Obama Tried to Tax the Rich, Biden Tries to Make Them Richer
While Democrats complain the pandemic has disproportionality hurt the poor, Biden's stimulus plan makes the rich just a little richer.
How Much Is a $15 Minimum Wage Worth? It Depends on Where You Live
The biggest problem with a federal minimum wage is that the cost of living varies widely from state-to-state, and between cities and rural areas.
The U.S. Trade Deficit Grew 'Big League' Under Trump
Donald Trump failed to reduce the U.S. trade deficit—because the economy was so good.
Biden's Plan to Save Failing Businesses: Raise Minimum Wage
Joe Biden's plan to raise the minimum wage would close even more businesses.
Who Wants to Cut Taxes for the Rich? Democrats!
Republicans are supposed to be the party that is always cutting taxes for the wealthy, but in promising to eliminate the cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT), this time it’s Democrats promising a tax cut for the rich.
Wait, 'PAYGO' Is Still a Thing? Who Knew?
PAYGO is supposed to impose some fiscal discipline on Congress. Instead, it is a minor speedbump as Democrats seek to ramp up federal spending—and federal debt.
Amazon Failed at Health Care Because It Wasn't a 'Disrupter'
Had Amazon brought to the health care system its ability to disrupt current business models and put consumers in charge, it would have changed the world.
Biden Take Note: Businesses Flee to Texas Because Economic Policies Matter
That major companies are fleeing California for Texas is a good indication that the Lone Star State's economic and regulatory policies, not California's, should serve as Joe Biden's model for jumpstarting the U.S. economy.
A Spectrum of Free-Market Success
Perhaps no federal official in recent memory has managed to demonstrate the superiority of property rights and free markets as well as Chairman Pai.
Fake Covid-19 Vaccines Demonstrate (Yet Again) the Threat of Importing Drugs
It would be both ironic and very sad if a person trying to avoid death from Covid-19 died because he took a fake or compromised Covid-19 vaccine.