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September 3, 2020

An Easy Way for States to Save Health Care Dollars

If state and local government employees were to substitute more biosimilars for brand name biologic drugs, governments could save millions of dollars in tight budget times.

September 2, 2020

California's Attack on Gig Workers

California’s purpose in life seems to be to model bad policy for the benefit of the other 49 states. So we watch and learn from California’s mistakes.

September 1, 2020

Those 'Food Deserts' May Become Food Wastelands

Grocery stores have often been reluctant to open in low-income areas, creating what's known as "food deserts." Recent large-city riots, and support for them, will likely make that problem worse.

August 26, 2020

The Taxing Ticket

In 2021 the economy will need pro-growth, not pro-government, policies to enable economic recovery. But the Biden/Harris ticket is promising the opposite.

August 25, 2020

Minorities Are Skeptical of Democrats' Latest Conspiracy

Blacks and Hispanics are skeptical of mail-in voting, and for good reason. So why are Democrats so focused on it.

August 20, 2020

A Better Way to Connect Low-Income Students to Broadband

If the goal is to ensure that low-income students have the digital tools needed to thrive during this school year, the city’s plan to build its own wireless network fails to come anywhere close to achieving it. 

August 18, 2020

California's Blackouts a Preview of the Green New Deal

As Democrats assure us that we can quickly transition to clean energy, remember California has tried it. Now thousands are sweltering in blackouts.

August 13, 2020

The Last Mile of the Last Mile

Efforts to close the distance on the last mile of broadband now come down to arcane considerations like utility pole attachment. The FCC should clarify how pole replacement or upgrade costs should be fairly allocated between pole owners and broadband providers bringing broadband to unserved areas.

August 12, 2020

Whatever Happened to Corporate Inversions?

If the Biden/Harris team wins the election and keeps its promises to raise corporate taxes, U.S. corporations could find themselves right back in the same old tax mess, and looking once again to escape

Total Records: 2049