Drug Importation is About Politics, Not Safety
Importing prescription drugs from Canada or other countries is no safer today than it was more than a decade ago.Importation proponents used to say “show us the bodies” of people harmed by importation. Sadly, today we can.
Does the Bible Teach Socialism? Yes, Say the Democrats
Democrats increasingly defend their embrace of socialism by claiming the Bible teaches it.
Don't Cut the Payroll Tax, Unless...
A temporary cut in payroll taxes creates a unique opportunity to implement one of our favorite pro-growth policy ideas—personal retirement accounts.
The Recession Threat Is Real
President Trump and administration officials are downplaying fears of a recession. While a recession isn't imminent, the threat is very real.
Is Global Cooling on the Way?
Chinese climate scientists predict a period of global cooling in the future, which will surely heat up the climate change debate.
Can You See Any Doctor Under Medicare for All?
Important distinction: The right to see any doctor doesn't mean the right to see a doctor soon.
C-Band Auction Should be Left to the FCC
An FCC-led public, open and transparent auction process that creates a level playing field for all interested parties will allocate resources efficiently to the parties that value them the most.
Back to the Slow-Growth Economy
The economy is doing well, just not as well as we thought—or hoped. If Trump plans to run for reelection on a record of strong economic growth, he needs to resolve some lingering issues.
Three Thumbs Down for the Big-Spending Budget Buster
Another big-spending budget deal, where Republicans claim they'll do better next time—though "next time" never seems to come.
They Want Your Retirement Savings
The SECURE Act will prevent you from using your IRA to bless your children and grandchildren. It would be an ominous precedent.