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July 16, 2019

'Biden' His Time on Obamacare

Joe Biden wants a government-run health care system, just like most Democratic presidential candidates, he just plans to bide his time in getting there.

July 9, 2019

In Defense of (Honest) Billionaires

Millionaire Bernie Sanders criticizes honest billionaires even as he has historically praised government-made billionaires. He has that backwards.

July 2, 2019

Democrats Would Resolve the Question of Whether Illegal Immigrants Burden Society

Immigrants may currently be a net asset to the economy, but under the Democratic presidential candidates' proposals they will surely be a net cost.

June 26, 2019

Could the 2020 Election Hinge on...Taxes?

The Democratic candidates all claim their new programs and tax increases would boost the economy. Ironically, their chief goal is to repeal Trump’s one accomplishment, tax reform, that actually has improved the economy.

June 25, 2019

Health Care Price Transparency Won't Take Off Until Patients, Rather Than Government, Demand It

We agree that health care needs price transparency, and it will come if and when health care consumers, rather than government, demand it.

June 20, 2019

Smart Artificial Intelligence Policy

President Trump's artificial intelligence initiative appears to take positive steps in prioritizing and advancing AI efforts while limiting government control and financing.

June 18, 2019

Five Cheers for Trump's Latest Health Care Initiative

President Obama boasted he wanted to increase individuals' access to affordable health coverage. President Trump may have just accomplished Obama's goal.

June 12, 2019

Stock Alert: Toyota Considers a Money-Losing Electric Vehicle Strategy

Toyota stock may struggle in the near future as the company decides to dramatically crank up its electric vehicle production.

June 11, 2019

The Sky Didn't Fall

One year after the FCC’s reversal of the Obama administration’s heavy-handed internet regulations, not only did the sky not fall but investment is up, fiber and wireless are accelerating, and the broadband economy is back on the right track.

June 5, 2019

Tariffs Are Taxes

President Trump is threatening to raise taxes on Americans. Again. That’s because tariffs are taxes, and they are paid by Americans, not by foreigners.

Total Records: 2049