Senator Cornyn's Bureaucracy Empowerment Act
Senators John Cornyn and Richard Blumenthal want to control prescription drug prices by empowering bureaucracy. When has that ever worked?
Trump's Climate Modeling Reform Heats Up His Critics
President Trump is making changes in how the EPA deals with climate change because the climate change models are not very reliable—just like some environmental reporters.
Finally, a Market-Oriented Way to Help Poor Communities
Finally, Congress passed legislation, led by Sen. Tim Scott, that might just help increase investment in low-income communities, and the regulations were recently released.
One More Example of Why We Need to Rethink the Criminal Justice System
Two men who spent 15 years in jail for a murder they did not commit were recently declared innocent, thanks to the dogged efforts of a group that has shed a light on the failures of our criminal justice system.
Democrats' Hope to Put 1 Million People Out of Work
Democrats' Medicare for All legislation could put a million private sector employees out of a job, which has been a decades-old goal.
Maybe Bernie Sanders Should Look This Cancer Patient in the Eye
Before Democrats force a government-run health care system on the U.S., they need to talk to patients who have been harmed by such a system. Inez Rudderham of Canada is ready to talk.
Lessons for Democrats from the Social Security Trustees' Report
The most recent report from the Social Security trustees has four lessons for policymakers. Will Democratic presidential candidates learn them?
Winning the Global Broadband Race
The race is on. The option for the U.S. is to either win or fall behind, ceding the future to our global competitors.
If Offered Free-Markets or "Regulatory Certainty," Choose Free-Markets
Conservatives say they hate crony capitalism, but a bill that makes it illegal for a new competitor providing a legal product or service to enter a market takes crony capitalism to a whole new level.
What Happens When Electric Cars Run Out of Taxpayer Juice?
Electric vehicles aren't very popular now, and may be even less so if their taxpayer-provided subsidies are cut.