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April 2, 2019

'Equal Pay Day' and Other Meaningless Tropes

The left keeps highlighting the gender pay gap because it needs victims. What the gap actually shows is how much progress women have made.

March 27, 2019

What Medicare-for-All Supporters Won't Tell You

Democrats now propose a single-payer health care system to fix the problems largely created by their last health care reform effort: Obamacare. They won't tell you about the problems with single-payer, we will.

March 26, 2019

The Justice Department Tries to Correct Chief Justice Roberts's Travesty

Legal challenges to Obamacare are giving Chief Justice John Roberts a chance to redeem himself and his self-professed adherence to originalist principles.

March 21, 2019

Expanding Broadband Access while Preserving Market Competition

Proposed legislation in Georgia would expand broadband access by allowing electric co-ops to enter the broadband market. It also properly includes the necessary protections to ensure competition, such as barring the new co-op broadband entrants from charging exorbitant fees to their competitors for utility pole attachment.

March 19, 2019

How Congress Uses Investigations to Let Companies Know Who's Boss

Congress often uses its investigative powers, not to discover information, but harass businesses into getting on board with government programs—however ill-conceived.

March 8, 2019

On Private Sector Use of Eminent Domain

There is no reason for principled conservatives to oppose private sector use of eminent domain, so long as it is reserved for a public use and includes just compensation. In fact, private sector infrastructure should be preferred over taxpayer-funded, government infrastructure. Through private sector development of infrastructure, we can grow the economy without growing the government.

March 5, 2019

Yet Another Bogus Claim: Medicare for All Boosts Economic Growth

Medicare for All proponents say government-run health care would boost U.S. economic growth, but all of the developed economies that have similar health care systems lag way behind U.S. GDP.  

February 26, 2019

The New York Times on Drugs

The left wants to hammer drug companies about the price of prescription drugs, and while a small portion of prescription drug prices are expensive, there is a reason for that.

February 21, 2019

Why Higher Taxes from the Tax Cut?

Capping the federal tax deduction for state and local taxes was intended to focus attention on high state taxes. It’s working.

February 19, 2019

A Quick Look at the Long History of the National Emergency Power

Many presidents have invoked a national emergency for many different reasons, but it has usually been left to the president to decide when such action was necessary. 

Total Records: 2049